Disability Inclusion
Our school follows the Multi Tiered systems of support framework to support students with academics, engagement and wellbeing and social/emotional development (behaviour). These range from Tier 1- Tier 3 supports.
Tier 1 supports are universal approaches and are available school wide. These approaches are available to and support all students regardless of their capabilities. Examples of these include our school wide behavioural processes and sensory toolkits in all classrooms.
Tier 2 supports are early intervention and cohort specific and may be required for some students who would benefit from more planned support. Examples of these include literacy and small group intervention and clubs focused on social/emotional learning.
Tier 3 supports are targeted and are suitable for students who benefit from individualised support. Students may follow a disability inclusion profile pathway to access individualised funding and receive support from education support staff and specialist input, such as allied health.
Staff at Tate Street have a broad range of expertise in delivering tiered supports to all students.
For additional information regarding Disability Inclusion, please refer to the following:
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Our school is part of the Mental Health in Primary Schools initiative (MHiPS) in which a qualified teacher is employed to work across the school to implement a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing for students, staff, and families based on a broad knowledge of the needs of the school community.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (Inclusion) works closely with school staff to identify and support students with mental health concerns in the classroom and supports parent/carers via internal and external supports to coordinate targeted mental health supports.
‘Children’s mental health is fundamental to their development and learning. Good mental health means having a positive sense of wellbeing, coping with challenges and being able to realise individual potential. Unfortunately, not all children experience good mental health. Schools are an ideal platform for promoting children’s mental health’ (Reference: Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, 2022).
In 2016, the Victorian Department of Education introduced the Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan, a comprehensive initiative aimed at embedding the rich and thriving culture, knowledge and experiences of our First Nations peoples into all Victorian schools. At Tate Street, our staff are committed to ensuring our students understand and respect this culture.
Our students take part in stand-alone lessons dedicated to learning about important traditions, customs and the history of Indigenous Australians. This knowledge is also incorporated into various areas of the curriculum, from Literacy and Numeracy to our specialist classes such as Music, Art and Sport. Beyond the classroom, we also acknowledge and celebrate culturally significant dates such as NAIDOC Week, Reconciliation Week and Indigenous Literacy Day just to name a few, to foster a deep appreciation for our country's heritage.
We take immense pride in the awareness and knowledge our students have of their country's history, embracing it with profound respect and enthusiasm. Tate Street continuously strives to ensure that our environment is inclusive and reflective of the diverse backgrounds of our students and community.
Respectful Relationships
The Tate Street School Community is strongly committed to Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) that teach our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. We agree our whole community deserves to be respected, valued and treated equally. The RRRR learning materials cover eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all levels of primary: Emotional Literacy; Personal Strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships. It is all about embedding a culture of respect and equality across the entire school community.
Positive Behaviour Matrix
The Positive Behaviour Matrix focuses on three core values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. Under each of these values are ‘we will’ action statements that we expect to see children displaying during all aspects of their schooling. Each fortnight, a value is focused on across the school. This links with our TSPS Values Points. Throughout our school, when students demonstrate our 3 school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience they are given a Values Point. The student from each classroom who has been given the most values point in a week receives a ‘values award’ presented at each assembly. Classroom teachers use this matrix when designing social and emotional lessons with lessons focused and delivered at the point of need of each class. Each statement is explicitly taught in classrooms to ensure students know and understand our values in depth and the behaviours that are expected of them while at school.
4 Rs
The “4 R’s” is the visual representation of the Behaviour Management Model for students and is displayed in all classrooms. It consists of Reminder, Redirect, Relocate and Reset. This is used by teachers to correct minor behaviours and is a sequential process following through each step if/when unfavourable behaviours continue. It is designed to positively reinforce the expected behaviour and give students the opportunity to correct their behaviour with supports from staff.
Remind: staff remind student of the school value being breached and the expectation.
Redirect: staff have a 1:1 conversation with the student and are redirected back to the expected behaviour/task. Staff check student understanding of the learning/task and offer assistance if required.
Relocate: students are relocated to a different part of the classroom. Perhaps to a quiet space or to work alongside an adult. This is designed to remove the distraction from the student and give them a final opportunity to change their behaviour.
Reset: if the above steps haven’t worked to correct the behaviour, students are sent for a 10 minute reset to another classroom. This is again a 1:1 conversation and staff explain to the student this is the opportunity for them to have a break, take control of their choices and make a fresh start on return.
Students that have been sent for a reset automatically receive a lunchtime reflection and the Executive team are notified via a behaviour entry on Compass.
Staff spend time explicitly teaching this process and its purpose to students. This process is designed to empower students to make their own behavioural choices, support their learning of this in a positive manner, accept responsibility of their behaviour choices and encourage self-reflection.
Calm Club
Calm Club runs every recess in the library. It is facilitated by our Inclusion Leader and supported by Education Support staff where staff explicitly teach students how to co-operate and collaborate with their peers. This is a safe, peaceful space where students can take part in quiet activities and are provided with opportunities to collaboratively play with others in a respectful manner.
Some examples of activities students may participate in are; colouring and drawing, Lego, trains and reading.
Lunch Clubs
Recess and Lunch clubs are facilitated daily with Basketball Club, Chess Club, Soccer Club, Girls Club, Garden Club, and our most popular, Calm Club, which runs every day at recess.